Today many Anphibian species are declining or vanishing all together. Zoologists
who study animals have been reporting gradual losses in anphibian populations
in the last twenty-five years. The losses are now rapid and alarming and
scientists are working hard to find reasons for the decline. Many anphibians
face gerat threats to their habitats as people cut down forests and drain
their swamps and other wetlands for development. Poison sprays used to kill
insects that harm food crops also threaten anphibian surval. Many of these
insect poisons are deadly to anphibians worldwide. Scientists belive there
are a number of diffrent reasons for the decline of anphibians and the loss
of species. Not all agree on which factor is the most harmfull. However they
all agree that human industrial activities are responsible. Anphibians also
suffer from acid rain and snow that result when wasts are releaced into the
air from burning of coal and oil. Durning 1990 scientists found declining
populations in North America,Central and SouthernAmerica,Europe,Asia,Africa,
And Australia. They are important in the flow of food energy because they
eat insects. Development,loss of wetlands,forest burning, and waterborn
pollutants harm remaining areas. The disappearance of anphibians may be a
world wide problem for all aminals including us. Today a variety of recovery
efforts are under way to help save Anphibians. To help save Anphibians North
American zoos are have created breeding program. Fish and Wildlife are working
to protect Wetlands and forest habitates for species like the Red Hill Salamander
and other endangered Amphibians.