Janaka's Finely Crafted & Tuned Bamboo Flutes....

(click on a small image to get a larger image.)

   Two Bass Transverse Flutes

    3 Bass  End Blown  Flutes


    3 Native Style Bamboo Flutes

....This is a small sampling of the variety of bamboo flutes that I make....

....aside from the 'usual' tunings, such as the Minor Pentatonic for the Shakuhachis and Native Flutes,

I create a variety of flutes with 'alternative' tunings....for example Middle Eastern, East Indian Raga tunings,

Balinese & Japanese pentatonics, etc., etc......this allows for easily playing music in various exotic modes....

without having to use complicated 'cross-fingered' or 'partial-fingered' techniques....

....also noteworthy is the fact that I tune the flutes to Just Intonation......which is to say they are precisionly tuned.....

....so that certain intervals are not somewhat flat or sharp.....as they would be if I used the 'even-tempered' system.....

....(it's amazing how so few people know about just intonation and how much even-tempered tuning is off!....--which

can be as much as 18% of a semitone!....or 18 cents.....--there being 100 cents to a semitone.....check link above.)

...my prices range from about $25 for a nice 'beginners' flute to about $250 for an excellent shakuhachi complete

with an ebony inlay in the mouthpiece and a carrying case......usually made of Guatamalan or Indian fabric......

Some WAV samples of flutes:

(the WAV files are longer downloads than Real Audio....but better sound quality.)

sample of an F# bass transverse flute

sample of an G bass transverse flute

sample of an G bass transverse flute with echo effect

sample of an E flat bass transverse flute

photo of the three sampled flutes.