Under Construction
(For more info. or an expassion of the topic, click on the bold and underlined words)
Cultural Context
In order to save time I will not go into the history or development of the vision. I will,
however, need to briefly define the cultural context that gives impetus to it.
As I see it, we, human beings with all of our creative potential, are facing an era that
promises little more than collective slavery to our cravings and fears. We live in and
support a cultural context that celebrates greed, perversions, cruelty, ruthlessness, and an
impersonal punish and reward mentality. This is killing our dreams and sensitivities to
inspiration. We are individuals who at the core of our nature are incredibly capable of the
most beautiful creations of art. We are the children of God! Yet, for the most part, we
sacrifice our artistic potential to avoid what we fear, and thereby, ironically, become
slaves of that fear. Then we rush about in a frenzy of competitive suicide trying to beat
others to the guillotine. Why? Or rather, why not do something else?
How about remembering that we are beautiful, creative beings who in a healed mentality
can come together to manifest the most incredibly cool reality. We have an entire history
of artistic and technological development to use and learn from. We really dont need to
keep doing the same old stupid shit! So ... whats up?
How the Story went for me:
After growing up in rather unusual places but in the usual way of losing that youthful
perspective that everything loves me and will never betray me, I traveled, as an adult, for
almost 14 years in over 50 countries and all the United States trying to figure out what to
do with my life. Only after years of tears, dares and prayers did the gifts of vision finally
arrive. Then the flood of ideas saturated my mind and defined my path, and with a
vengeance I became the hero of my own destiny, became enslaved by the idea of freedom
and spent 7 more years being broken and rebuilt until I couldn't figure anything out and
then... ? And that is the way its suppose to work.
We are all here to learn as much as we can handle, champion our purpose and get a life.
Socrates, that wise old Greek philosopher who was forced to poison himself to death
because he inspired the youth of Athens to believe in themselves, summed up his advice
to the world with the two words Know Yourself".
Now, how are we to know ourselves if, from the moment we recognize we are here, we
are conditioned to follow in the footsteps of fearful fools. Cloning our purpose is what
the majority of people think is the way we are supposed to do this thing called life. Its
not ... I promise!
Mans not a camel meant to carry a load
Forever in fear of the masters goad
Mans more like the lion, Proud and free
Here to create his own destiny
Here We Go...
Instead of fearfully hypocritical clones...
How about ...
First, we learn to accept ourselves in all our earthly ways. Not that we want to remain in
our shit. However, we must first find compassion for ourselves or we are only pretending
to have compassion for others. A dear wise friend of mine taught me that We always see
in others what we know or fear in ourselves. So remember! Know Yourself and you
will learn about others, and compassion will come naturally.
Then we find the rights and privileges to learn and grow as free thinking individuals and
eventually we will discover what really makes us tick. Thats our calling. Thats what we
can bring to the table of life as a sincere and valuable gift for our community. We can
change it at any time. As we build a personal mythology, lets be careful not to get to
hung up on it. Even the path to Freedom can enslave us.
Now from a space of personal empowerment we can compassionately co-create a heaven
on earth.
Personally, I like to drum or play music around a fire in the magical mists of mother
nature, with my favorite people all around me.
I call it a Tribal Drum Circle.
I have found that, when I can be, I am a gifted athlete, team builder and musician. All of
which play an important part in the drum circle as well as in the life of a tribal drummer.
Also, I adore Nature because it reminds me that everything is perfect and beautiful in its
natural state.
I love Music, one of, if not, the most fluid vocabulary known to man; especially primitive or
organic music (meaning that it flows from that well of inspiration that find its moment
perfectly when we let it flow, and not try to force or remember or contrive it into existence.
There is a perfect moment for every sound or vibe. Just let it arrive.)
Making music together is an Art that has been mostly abandoned thanks to greedy
people who want to corner the market and make everyone think that they need to go
down to the local branch of a chain of music stores that offers only the stuff that a small
group of business men have convinced some disempowered musicians who want to be
included in that "Elite Group" of "talented and well-payed" egoists who sell their
rehashed music, that once came from a truly inspired space but has since needed to be
packaged in a marketable way so that the huddled and confused masses will
obeyingly buy, so that they can feel like they have music in their lives inspite of the fact
that they are too busy being the slaves of another group of business men that dont give a
damn about music at all. Im not kidding! Thats what seems to be happening to me!
How come this nightmare of a wanna be, fast food culture seems to constantly be
threatened by people being themselves and making beautiful music together?
Ill tell you why!
If it got out that people can become empowered and actually artistic and musical then
they would STOP... thinking that they need to go down to the local branch of a chain of
music stores that offers only the stuff that a small group of business men have convinced
some disempowered musicians who want to be included in that "Elite Group" of "talented
and well-payed" egoists who sell their rehashed music, that once came from a truly inspired
space but has since needed to be packaged in a marketable way so that the huddled and
confused masses will obeyingly buy, so that they can feel like they have music in their lives
inspite of the fact that they are too busy being the slaves of another group of business men
that dont give adamn about music at all.
(Arent computers great? I only had to copy and paste that sentence ... whoohoo!)
In real musical cultures around the world, music is a personal journey into the outer
reaches of inner space, as well as a community event in which people can practice
self-expression in a community and cultural context that is accepting and
Ok... By now you must be getting the point. We can do it differently.
And heres some cool God gifted ideas.
Imagine ... a culture that invests its time and energy into supporting, healing and training
its members to be fully empowered, creative and self-sufficient; and, yet, cooperative in
every way.
Too idealistic? Not really, its the natural way, if you take fear out of the picture.
Lets... (for quick referencing titles are given to each topic)
Do a mobile village that practices mobility in an ecologically friendly way. Well call it
Mobile Home. This practice of mobility will remind us of how little we really need
because well carry it around and, thereby, free us from our long time emphatuation with
too much. We will learn those forgotten arts of survival and the cross trained skills of
the Renaissance Man so that we need not fear being alone. We will learn to
communicate and relate amongst ourselves in ways that are honest and sincere, because
you cant bullshit healers you live and travel with nor would you want to. We will
appreciate real values and will become artists of the moment. The mobile tribe will also
act as a conduit of creativity and hope to a world of disenchanted people. Everywhere we
will go we will educated and help revitalized this almost dead world. Healing will be a
way of life and not a struggle anymore. We will become experts at a variety of skills that
will enable us to manifest the ingredients of the overall vision. We will bring with us that
dynamism and vitality so greatly needed in permanent communities.
We will set up or support communities everywhere that are Havens for harmonious
eco-conscious living, learning and sharing. These Havens will vary in attributes
according to the interests of the members and the actual details of the situation. I imagine
self-sustainable farm/ healing/ learning centers that will provide temporary grounding for
the Mobile Home as well as living space for its permanent members. These Havens will
host Festivals, which we will call Friend Zs to celebrated our developing family and
tribal ways of life, as well as, welcome and orient our friends for further Rainbow
Warrior Training (a term I use with specific associations to the multiple indigenous
tribal prophetical references to the Rainbow Warriorswho in the end times, when
the earth is embroiled is humanities legacy of problems and true values are abandoned,
return to a harmonious and eco-respectful way of living that is, by the way, quickly
making itself necessary to the modern world. The word Rainbow also refers to a
universal approach to things, an acceptance of the differences of preference between
peoples and cultures, the recognition of the natural beauty in all natural things).
Outreach programs will be set up to assist seeking people. One of the programs we will
call Salvation in the Streets. It will be especially for those youthful champions of
independence that are personally overwhelmed by the societies impersonal tyranny and
lack of true humanity, and who seek to establish a community bond and find real-life
values, but fall into a rebellious expression of gang revolution, because their adult
predecessors lack a current cultural understanding and true leadership abilities. We will
work with establish educational institutionsa as well as, do free form interfacing or
missionary work.
Other outreach programs will be directed to the corporate world, which, also, suffers
from a disempowering greed oriented hierarchy. We will call this "Corporate Crusades".
Personal empowerment and team building skills will empower corporate members to bring
higher levels of commitment and attention to, hopefully, better corporate values, because
collective or counciled values are, usually, more refined in nature.
Of course, if the world goes crazy and things are turned upside down. Pay little
attention to the above and give your complete attention to the elders or wise ones that
will present themselves in that moment.
[This vision has only positive values and supportive intentions. I am not interested in
undermining conspiracies of any sort. We must turn our attention away from the bullshit
and toward healing. Ignore the Whore (by whore I mean the Biblical reference to
Babylon-the consumptive, consumeristic, calloused, concrete, corporate, chaotic,
crappy culture that we all love to hate.) The common denominator of every issue of
conflict is the first place to start in creating solutions that will really assist us in
co-creating heaven on earth.]
How to do it
This internet project itself,, will be an important part of the
developement of the vision and plans. Up until now it has been logistically difficult to
coordinating the coming together of the tribe of wanderers. There are thousands of
people all over this land and perhaps million around the world that are already skilled in
the arts of mobility (nomadic, gypsy cultures). There are thousands of already existing
intentional communities that are already heading in the same direction and will love to
join forces. There are hundreds of community building, and healing festivals that will
make the implimentation of this vision inevitable and guarentee its success. All that has
been needed is coordination and empowerment of the magnetic forces needed to
draw the core groups together. Music festivals, Arts and Craft fairs, Rennaissance
Fairs, Sci-fi Cons, Special Interest Gatherings have all been practicing a temporary
form of mobile community. So many of the ingredients are already in place. A worthy
networking tool, such as the Internet could be the missing link. Lets use It!
Furthermore, a publication,The Fellowship of the Magic Drum (Schedules, topics of
interest, festival critiques,coordinating details, all valuable to the cause. ,will develope that
would make all the coordinating details available to those people who are not yet plugged in
to the Internet Web. I, also, feel that the Drum is a perfect symbol of the community, because
of its traditional role in so many cultures as a community building tool. It is also a vehicle for
magical music and journeying into multiple dimensions of esoteric reality. Drumming is on the
rise everywhere, and is, therefore, a good central theme for a community building
publication tool.
The Drum Circle is a contemporary community building phenomenon that has all the
elements of a dynamic and vital religion, the challenge and physicality of a super team sport,
the spontaneous artistic overtures of the best performing arts, the mythical nature of the
highest mystical traditions and as much fun as anything going.
Projected Phases of Developement for the
Community Caravan
Phase 1
Develpement of coordinating tools
Projection and Planning
Video/Audio Recording
Writing Internet Website
Fellowship of the Magic Drum- publication
Counciling and Planning
Initial Developement Team selection and coordination
Support team and skills
Coordination, Mechanics, Food Preparation, Emergency
Medical, Holistic Healing, Artists, Musicians, Dancers, Ritualists, Peace
Keepers, Wisdom/Elders, Supply experts, Merchants,
Members personal preparations for mobility and personal sustainance
Funding for developement- Start up
Non-Profit status
Grant Proposals
Grant Applications
Fund Raising Projects
Preparations for Phase 2
Supplies for Touring Vision Council
Council Tents, Camp Supplies, Transportation Vehicles etc.
Trimming Down
Minimalizing projected expenses
Schedule of Tour
Event and Site selection
Phase 2
Vision Council Tour (details developed in Phase 1)
Planning for Phase 3
Planning for Winter Base
Phase 3
Winter Base Camp
Team Building
Planning and Preparations for First Mobile Home Tour
Developement Of Mobile Village and Projects
Acquisition and Coordination of Supplies,
Coordination of Merchanting and Mobile Funding Projects
Task Coordination and Practice
Prayerformance Developement and Practice
Multi-media Presentation Developement and Practice
Phase 4
First Mobile Home Tour
Vision Presentation
Prayerformances (all artistic presentations)
Multi media Presentation
Vision Counciling Continued
Planning of Outreach Programs
Phase 5
First Winter Base of Operations for the Mobile Village
Recouperation, healing
Planning, Developement, Practice and Implimentation of Outreach Programs
Havens (concerns addressed then)