The Dairy Industry Gambit
Copyright 1996 Leading Edge Research
In an effort to conceal the true nature of what is happening, and to preserve the financial profit margin, the dairy industry fraudeulently claims that bone loss is due solely to a diminished intake of dietary calcium. It is quite interesting to note that the only studies that support this contention are those sponsored and paid for by the National Dairy Council (founded in 1915 by dairy farmers), who continue to push the consumption of dairy products containing toxic substances, animal bacteria and viruses, as well as useless nutritional value, on a public conditioned since birth to accept the "party line." The National Dairy Council (NDC) ironically proposes to the public that "bones lose calcium because there is not enough calcium in the diet, so drink milk!" Modern nutritional research clearly indicates a major flaw in this perspective. It is also criminal fraud. Even if bovine milk were good for humans, it no longer represents a viable product once processed by the dairy industry. Experiments have been done feeding calves processed milk. They sickened and died.
This policy of the NDC, in addition to the propaganda of the meat industry, could also be considered criminal negligence and even criminal homicide. Somewhere aroud 25% of women 65 years old in the United States have bone mineral losses that are really severe, often with bone material density loss than approaches 50-75%. Almost as many deaths are caused by osteoporosis than cancer of the breast and cervix combined. While dairy products are not the total cause of this problem, they are one of the most significant co-factors in the diet. Consumption of eggs and meat, which are acidic foods, cause calcium to be withdrawn from the bone structure in order to balance the general systemic pH of the body, which in its natural healthy state is intended to be slightly alkaline. It is a common scientific fact that people who do not eat meat and dairy products are relatively free from osteoporosis. Another reason they are able to get away with this is that the process of decreasing bone density is hard to detect until it reaches a severely advanced stage. Even in relatively advanced stages of osteoporosis, the calcium level in the blood is usually normal, because calcium is withdrawn from bones to adjust the level in the blood.