Welcome Message 

Welcome to Friends of Freedom

This site is dedicated to the ideal of Freedom. It is focused on empowering the connections and lives of people from all walks of life in order to encourage the manifestation of true Freedom. The visionary who originated this site is also know as "Freedom" ...and has dedicated his life to promoting his own vision of Freedom. He has traveled the globe first seeking understanding and conviction and then sharing his vision of Freedom through improvisational music at a completely grassroots level with hundreds of thousands of people. While this site is meant to provides links to him and his friends it is also for those who wish to contribute their own Visions of Freedom for themselves as individuals and for the whole world. It is a platform for creative engagements and community sharing.  Please feel free to explore and enjoy the links to all the creative people that are sharing their arts and dreams. And if you resonate with this and want to contribute a webpage of your own that shows your art or skills, then feel free to contact us.

 The intent of this website is to serve as a Virtual Community website for Alternative / Rainbow people.   So if you are a part of the Rainbow / Alternative Community then this is your "virtual community"...there are a lot of good things that people of the Rainbow & Alternative community have to share....and i would like to help make this happen ....so we can learn from each other....

....sure, there's an incredible amount of sharing that goes on at the gatherings..... but then there's a lot of people that don't get to attend..... and there's so many different workshops and people with special knowledge and skills, art etc. that it's impossible to be aware of anything more that a small part of it all..... so, it makes sense to me to be putting up webpages of the many things worth sharing on a website so we can have a "virtual community" ....that anyone can tap into and experience and learn from....

....so if you or someone you know has some special knowledge or skills like this then get in touch with me about getting up a nice page on this site.
....otherwise, help get the word out to the rainbow & alternative community so we can start to make it a more valuable learning experience to explore this website.


We Are Not Alone.


...here's an animated banner that can be used for linking back to this site.

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